Thursday, 28 May 2009

Lets go by your dreams

If I could make my dreams come true I could not decide on one
Is that I have so many beautiful dreams, I am talking about my dreams whilst I sleep
I hate being a woman at this time, I always dream about romantic things I do not know why perhaps is because I’m thinking about the love the whole day lol
I hate dreaming about this but you know something, sometimes I try to dream about that special person :$

Now talking about my others dreams: my principal dream is become in a magnificient psychologist , yes I know I’m studying to be a teacher but my passion is psychology , I’m always reading about this topic, as soon as I get my degree on english pedagogy I am going to study psychology again.

Can you tell one of your dreams?


  1. Niiice!
    You know what? when I wake up I can not remebember anything that I dreamed the other night =(

  2. uuuuu....
    you could be a good psychologist, I'm sure that
    I`m going to be your first patient

  3. uuuhhh!!!
    pame in love (L)

    nice post
    maybe your prince charming has visited you in your dreams

    kiss and hugs

  4. ana
    i'm not in love...I think xD
