The effects are becoming apparent only now. He had never seen anything so beautiful before. Exhibits must not be touched on any account. You rarely find a coin of this age in such a good condition.
2. Very Rarely do you come across anyone nowadays who hasn't been abroad. 3. Only by living in a country where the language is spoken, can you really learn it. 4. Under no circuntances should tourists be allowed to visit the Antartic. 5. Not until you've try Frech cuisine, will you know what good food is. 6. Not only did I hate visiting museums as a child, but I also can't stand going into them. 7. Only recently have I started going on holiday without my parents. 8. Never again will I back to that place I went to last year on holiday.
This was something like an experiment to me, in spite that I love to write and in fact I have a fotolog where I used to write a lot of my thoughts, my feelings and how I feel everyday, but I never write about these kind of topics, and I have to tell that I really like to express my thoughts because since I was a kid I loved to write and this is a great experience to me.
When you have a blog you can be your own and that it is the idea of having your own blog. Besides we improve our grammar and I personally think that my grammar has improve maybe not in the way that I want to, but it has improve a lot. Nowadays I can write more fluent in English, my mind it’s getting used to thinking in English and I believed that it’s because we have to write every week our opinion about different topics. What’s more!! with the creation of this blog I increase my vocabulary because I try to look up for new words to communicate in a better way my thoughts.
Further more, I increase my desire to write, because I feel that now I can talk about everything that I want to, and what it’s more important, I’m writing to someone else not only to myself. When I’m in my blog and I read my classmates comments I feel that these results repay my efforts and I get so excited with this.
I forgot something important as anecdote I have a classmate, Vanessa, and we always have the same picture on our blogs, it seems like we think the same, because when I’m reading her post and I see the picture it has too much in common with what I wrote. In fact, now we talk and we found different picture but you know something, she shows me a picture and I had the same one, so I change it, lol.
To me having a blog it is the best, I hope we keep we this experience for a long time because it is really helpful for us. Even that sometimes I don’t want to write about every topic I do my best to write somethiing good but you know, some days I feel that a specific topic touch my heart and I have to write about it.
Motivation what is it? That’s my topic. I’ve been thinking a lot what is it, but you know know something I think it doesn’t have an especific meaning. For me motivation is to give the strenght, energy to others or yourself to do what you want. If you look at our experiences at school we can see that most of the teachers think that they are motivating their students giving them some kind of reward like stars or a congratulation and I don’t think that it is a good way to motivate them.We as future teachers must motivate our students with things that get their attention, with things that are interesting for them to learn. Nowadays children are harder to motivate but if you know how to do it you can get great things . For example, I think we can motivate with things that they can do on the Internet because that’s what they like, but at the same time I feel that it is more difficult to get someone’s attention because they are focus on other things.We must motivate children since they start to go to school so in that way they can have more interest in learn anything because they want to.
If we look at the actual education system we can find out that our children are learning the same subjects around the world, we can find that maths, language, science are still the main subjects on school. Ken Robinson says on the website that "We are educating people out of their creativity”, he is right about it. We are educating our children away from all the things that can improve their creativity, as Robinson says they are been educated to become good workers and not to think for themselves. We should give them the tool to encourage their curiosity to learn something more that only those subjects that they learn at school.
I personally agree that schools are killing creativity because as I said before they are more worried in teach them to be good students so in our future they can be good workers. Especially in Chilean school that have few opportunities to teach their students to be more creativity, in my case I Could said that I’m not a creative person but my brother is really creative. In my brother case I think that he is like that because since he was little we encouraged him to develop his imagination and it works he is incredible creative, I love his capacity to create new things. Part of his great creativity is the role that plays his school because he’s going to an artistic school so it is different from other ones because here they develop their creativity in different ways as with music, sculpture, painting, etc.
When I was at school they never let me to be myself, I mean, I get used to follow all the things that they said to me so I didn’t have the opportunity to be more creative or been myself. My teachers were more worried of pass the subject that cultivates our creativity and knowledge.
I think we have to encourage our pupils to be more creative because we all are born artist, the only thing we need it is support and someone to encourage us to be more creative.
Victory city it is an utopic place. I wish it can be real so in that way we could live in a better place without pollution and I really like the idea of having at least one cafeteria open all night long and the fact that this would be a large cafeteria which can feed to the whole city, I really like that idea because in that case I won’t have to cook,lol.
But I think it is too utopic to think that city tax would be eliminated and I know that technology works in an amazing way but I don’t know if could be possible that elevators will replace automobiles as the primary form of transportation.
The idea that I like I’ve already said it was the cafeteria but also the fact that no one will carry real money I like it because I don’t like to carrying money I prefer credit cards xD.
Thinking about an ideal city , I start to think What will Santiago be like in 2050? and to be honest I don’t have idea, maybe it would be more modern but I don’t think it would change too much, perhaps I am wrong who knows
Sorry if I write too little but i'm sleepy I didn't sleep last night :(.
If I could make my dreams come true I could not decide on one Is that I have so many beautiful dreams, I am talking about my dreams whilst I sleep I hate being a woman at this time, I always dream about romantic things I do not know why perhaps is because I’m thinking about the love the whole day lol I hate dreaming about this but you know something, sometimes I try to dream about that special person :$ Now talking about my others dreams: my principal dream is become in a magnificient psychologist , yes I know I’m studying to be a teacher but my passion is psychology , I’m always reading about this topic, as soon as I get my degree on english pedagogy I am going to study psychology again.
People have been telling this since 2000, atthis time we shouldn’t have to be alive, but surprise, here we are!!! Talking about this silly theme, I refused to believe that the end of the world it is coming. First of all, because but that time I supposed to be teaching, I’ll get my degree it would be an unfortunate thing that just the year thatwe’ll be teachers the world have to end.
I don’t want to and I don’t think that it happen, but in case it will happen you have to make good use of your time here in earth, go out and have some fun, the end of the world it is coming, you have to enjoy your life you won’t regret. lol